Become a member and sail with The Ship's Company.....Traditional Seamanship.....Boat Building.....And Fun!


The Ship's Company of Penetanguishene



What's New!


Halifax Summer 2009

HMS Badger Leads Starboard Squadron!

Canada's east coast Navy celebrated the 250th anniversary of the founding of Her Majesty's Canadian (HMC) Dockyard Halifax.  With the tallships setting the backdrop, Badger sailed in company with a fleet of historic boats along the Halifax waterfront.  Thousands gathered along the piers to view the meeting of the "Old Navy" and today's "Modern Navy".  The crew of Badger spent three days taking in the event, from frequent sail pasts of the moored tallship fleet to the historic restaurants and pubs, a better time for sailors couldn't be found!




















As the smoke cleared in Halifax the crew had quick work to get the Badger home and rigged as the schedule for ship and crew was packed for the summer.  Events not shown here included; “Celebrate Barrie”, Canada Day at the Penetanguishene Centennial Museum, “Nine Mile Portage” Heritage Festival, Fort Willow and Settlers Day at the Penetanguishene Centennial Museum.

The Fleet

Despite the full schedule the Ship's Company found the time to get all three of our vessels out sailing for a "Fleet" photo.  It was a perfect evening for sailing and for those people along the Penetanguishene waterfront a real delight to see.  Traditional seamanship, living history, and fun for members, what a great time.


Schedule 2009


Canada Day Celebrations

The Ship's Company was busy the weekend of June 28 participating in Canada Day Celebrations in Penetanguishene and at the Penetanguishene Centennial Museum.  Following the singing of Oh Canada, our Gun Crew fired a lively shot much to the thrill of the crowd.  Following this, we launched our just completed third vessel H.M.S. Kingfisher at the Penetanguishene Town Dock, and took her out for her very first sail.

HMS Kingfisher under sail                           Gun Captain "Boomer" at work






HMS Kingfisher, getting her dipping lug rigged along with

retractable boomkin and bow sprit (below)


School of the Sailor

Traditional sailors from across Canada and the States showed up with their gunboats for a great weekend of sailing, rowing and singing.  Sailor's Cutlass Drill, Sail Training, and Sailing Experiences on the HMS Endeavour where just a few of the sessions that packed this event.



Wasaga Under Seige

The Badger was flying the British colours proudly as she played the part of HMS Nancy at Wasaga Under Siege.  A formidable US force had gathered against the "Nancy" and she was able to defend herself in the morning battle with help from her Native allies.  However in the evening the US forces had regrouped and formed tight formations to defeat the lone British ship, but not without some intense cannon fire and hand to hand combat as the US troops eventually boarded the "Nancy".








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Last modified: 09/28/09