Become a member and sail with The Ship's Company.....Traditional Seamanship.....Boat Building.....And Fun!


The Ship's Company of Penetanguishene



2009 Schedule & Activities

The Ship's Company heads to Halifax!

These planned activities and events are available for all Ship’s Company with current (2009) membership*.  For further information or updates, just email us at

 *Note: Crew number for Halifax trip is now at capacity.

 Monday & Thursday evenings, 'till May 4 -

    Boatbuilding/rigging in the Boatshop 7-9 pm                             

Thursday , May 7, 7 pm

    Badger launch, Penetanguishene Town Dock                            

Saturday, May 9, 9 am to 3 pm

    Mast stepping and rigging, Town Dock & Hindson Marina                                       

Monday and Thursday evenings, May 11 to July 9

    Sail Training 

Saturday, June 6

    “Celebrate Barrie” Event, historic encampment, Barrie waterfront 

Wednesday, July 1

    Canada Day event at Penetanguishene Centennial Museum 

Saturday, July 11

    De-rig Badger in preparation for Halifax trip

    (250th Anniversary of Royal Naval Dockyard) 

Monday July 13

    Final preparations for Halifax trip 

Tuesday, July 14

    Depart Penetanguishene to transport Badger and Crew to Halifax 

Thursday, July 16, 12 noon

    Arrive Halifax, re-rig and launch Badger 

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, July 17-18-19

    Halifax Event (250th Anniversary of the Royal Naval Dockyard) 

Monday, July 20

    De-rig Badger and depart for return trip to Penetanguishene 

Thursday evening, July 23

    Re-rig Badger and plan re-launch in Penetanguishene Bay 

Thursday evenings, July 30 to September 3

    Sail training resumes 

Saturday, September 12

    “End of Season” Party 

Sundays, September 13 to September 27, 2-5 p.m.

    Sail Training, departing from Town Dock 

Saturday, September 19

    “Nine Mile Portage” Heritage Festival, Fort Willow (near Barrie) 

Thursday evening, October 1

    Begin de-rigging, Town Dock 

Saturday, October 3, 9 am to 3 pm

    De-rigging at Town Dock and Hindson Marina,

    followed by evening pot luck dinner



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Last modified: 09/28/09