Become a member and sail with The Ship's Company.....Traditional Seamanship.....Boat Building.....And Fun!


The Ship's Company of Penetanguishene



Partners & Supporters

Over the past 8 years many groups and individuals have supported The Ship's Company of Penetanguishene in our growing efforts to preserve and present to the public19th-century Marine Heritage. 

We would like to thank the Staff and Board of the Penetanguishene Centennial Museum (right), and the Town of Penetanguishene, in providing us with boat shop space ("our home") to maintain our vessels throughout the year.

Thanks also to the Ontario Historical Society for our affiliation, and to the Ontario Trillium Foundation for providing an initial seed grant which allowed us to successfully complete our flagship H.M.S. Badger in 2001.

On the re-enactment front, we would also like to thank The Historic Military Establishment of Upper Canada (Wasaga Under Seige and Fort Willow), LYNX 1812 Privateers (School of the Sailor & Halifax 2009), and the Captain of the Witch of A'Burg (who originally steered us to the lifeboat hull that was ultimately to become Badger) for their continued work in the organization of venues allowing the community of re-enactors to actively display and interpret their heritage to the public. 

Thanks also to The Kingston Sail Loft, Marine Architect Francis MacLachlan , and the Staff and Crew of the Brigantine St. Lawrence II for their continued assistance and camaraderie.

Finally, a special thanks to all our current and past members of The Ship's Company, who support us through their membership, their time, and their talents in sailing and maintaining our small fleet and fulfilling our heritage mandate.

If you are interested in supporting The Ship's Company through donations of supplies or funds, or if you are interested in membership, please contact us at









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Last modified: 09/28/09